加拿大华人联合总会Canadian Community Service Association
加拿大华人联合总会(CCSA—Canadian Community Service Association,以下简称“华联会”)成立于2002年,由普翔先生创立,现任会长为牛华先生。华联会长期致力于服务华人社区,加强各族裔及社区之间的交流与合作,协助华人积极融入加拿大社会,争取和维护加拿大华人的平等权益,促进加拿大多元文化社会的平等、和睦和团结,推动中加之间的文化交流及经贸合作。
The Canadian Community Service Association (CCSA) was found in 2002 by Mr. Pu Xiang, who was also the first Chairman,the current president is Mr. Niu Hua. The CCSA has a long-term commitment of serving the Chinese community in Canada, and promoting the communication and cooperation among various ethnic groups and communities. The CCSA also helped the Chinese people to integrate into the Canadian society, sought and protected the equal rights of the Chinese Canadians, enhanced the equality, harmony and unity for the multicultural society of Canada, improved the culture exchange and economic and trade cooperation between Canada and China.
Honor Wall


Executive Presidents, Vice Presidents